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General Scoring Rubric For Assignments:

Level 4     XP 600, 200, 100,
50, 48, 24, 12
I can answer all questions without mistakes or omissions and my responses demonstrate complete understanding of concepts and goes beyond just meeting minimal requirements.
XP 525, 175, 87.5,
43.75, 42, 21, 10.5
I can answer all questions without mistakes or omissions and my responses demonstrate an understanding of concepts.
Level 3     XP 450, 150, 75,
37.5, 36, 18, 9
I can answer all questions without omissions, but they may contain minor mistakes. My responses demonstrate a reasonable understanding of the concepts.
XP 375, 125, 62.5,
31.25, 30, 15, 7.5
I can answer questions with only a limited number of omissions understanding of the concepts.and few mistakes. My responses demonstrate a reasonable.
Level 2     XP 300, 100, 50,
25, 24, 12, 6
I can answer questions with only a limited number of omissions and/or mistakes, but my responses are brief and demonstrate only a partial understanding of concepts.
XP 225, 75, 37.5,
18.75, 18, 9, 4.5
I can answer most questions, but my responses may contain mistakes or omissions, are brief, and demonstrate only a partial understanding of concepts.
Level 1     XP 150, 50, 25,
12.5, 12, 6, 3
I attempt to answer questions, but my responses are generally incorrect or incomplete, may contain misconceptions, and fail to demonstrate a reasonable understanding of concepts. I make little or no attempt to seek help.
XP 0 I had no success, even with help OR I had no success, and chose not to seek help. My assignment is mostly incomplete.

Mistakes answers are incorrect, units of measurement are not given, or proper labels are missing.

Omissions questions left unanswered.

Complete Understanding concepts are completely explained in your own words using terminology discussed in class or in the textbook.

Beyond Just Meeting Minimal Requirements Does more than just the stated requirements (i.e. writing a brief reflective summary when not required, writing 7 to 8 sentences when only 3 to 5 sentences required). Well-presented and organized, summaries make connections to other concepts that have been taught or ask questions that could lead to further studies.

Understanding concepts are mostly explained in your own words using some of the terminology discussed in class or in the textbook.

Reasonable Understanding concepts are somewhat explained and correct, but appropriate terminology may be missing.

Partial Understanding concepts are only partially explained, appropriate terminology is not used or not used correctly, and responses may be copied from the textbook, the Internet, or from another student.