Badges and Easter Eggs are ways of earning experience points (XP) that are in addition to the 2000 XP scale, hence they are extra credit points. They are not intended to replace missing assignments or assignments that have intentionally been left incomplete. In fact badges and Easter egg points will not be given out on less a reasonable attempt has been made to complete all assignments. Below is an explanation of how these points can be earned or collected.
Badges are digital and/or physical objects that can be displayed on a student's profile page. They can be earned for accomplishments or academic mastery. The following is a list of the different categories of badges for this grading period and what standards needs to be accomplished in order to earn them. A student must be performing at a level 4 in order to receive a specific badge and its associated points. Students will be awarded badges by teacher observations of student performance and grade book data. In addition, a student may petition the teacher for a badge by providing written evidence of how he or she has meet the required standards. The rubrics below can provide students with information on what they need to accomplish in order to earn a badge. The category of badges may change each quarter.
Outstanding Effort - Badge 48 XP
Level 4.0
Did It!
- Student is working to the best of his or her ability.
- Student produces high quality finished products.
- Assignments always completed on time.
Level 3.0
Almost There!
- Student is making a good effort.
- Student complete projects with care.
- Assignments completed mostly on time.
Level 2.0
More Effort Needed
- Student makes an effort when he or she wants to.
- Assignments meet the bare requirements.
- Assignments are frequently late.
Level 1.0
Little or No Effort!
- Student makes an inconsistent effort.
- Assignments partially or barely adequately completed.
- Assignments are frequently late.
Leadership - Badge 48 XP
Level 4.0
Did It!
- Student consistently offer ideas and ask questions that clarify and extend discussions
- Demonstrates superior leadership qualities.
- Has excellent group work skills.
Level 3.0
Almost There!
- Student occasionally offers ideas and ask questions which help to clarify discussions
- Has good group work skills.
Level 2.0
More Effort Needed
- Student asks questions in class and sometimes offer ideas.
- Participates in group work.
Level 1.0
Little or No Effort!
- Student rarely ask questions or offer ideas in class.
- Seldom contributes to group work.
Attentiveness - Badge 48 XP
Level 4.0
Did It!
- Student consistently on task and very focused.
- Listens when others talk, will often incorporate/build on ideas of others, and offers additional input.
- Listens in order to understanding and determine relevance.
Level 3.0
Almost There!
- Student mostly on task and focused.
- Listens when others talk and will offer additional input.
- Listens for understanding.
Level 2.0
More Effort Needed
- Student regularly on task and generally focused.
- Listens when others talk and will on occasion have something to add.
- Listens to remember.
Level 1.0
Little or No Effort!
- Student often not on task and inconsistently focused.
- Listens when others talk, but will seldom have something to add.
- Only sometimes listens when others talk and often interrupts when others speak.
Citizenship - Badge 48 XP
Level 4.0
Did It!
- Student consistently shows respect for peers and teacher.
- Always comments on ideas and ask questions in a respectful way.
Level 3.0
Almost There!
- Student shows respect for peers and teacher most of the time.
- Often comments on ideas and ask questions in a respectful way.
Level 2.0
More Effort Needed
- Student generally shows respect for peers and teacher.
- Comments on ideas and questions asked are sometimes intended to be misleading and shows disrespect.
Level 1.0
Shows Little Respect
for Others
- Student is often disrespectful to peers and teacher.
- Make attention-seeking comments and/or ask misleading questions.
Easter Eggs are extra credit experience points (XP) that will be made available as the opportunities present themselves. They will be given out for things such researching and being the first to discover the answer to a question that comes up as a results of a class discussion or for coming up with a unique solution to a problem. XP for Easter Eggs can vary anywhere from 12 to 24 pts. depending upon the amount of work involved.