Scoring Rubric: Effort
Students will make a consistent effort and turns in completed assignments on time.
Score 4.0 |
- I work to the best of my ability.
- I produces a high quality finished product.
- My assignments are always completed on time.
Score 3.5 |
- I make a good, consistent effort.
- I complete my assignments with thoroughness.
- My assignments are consistently completed on time.
Score 3.0 |
- I make a good effort.
- I complete projects with care.
- My assignments are completed mostly on time.
Score 2.5 |
- I make a good effort most of the time.
- I generally complete assignments with care.
- My assignments are generally completed on time.
Score 2.0 |
- I make an effort when I want to.
- My assignments meet the bare requirements.
- My assignments are frequently late.
Score 1.5 |
- I make an inconsistent effort.
- My assignments are partially or barely adequately completed.
- My assignments are frequently late.
Score 1.0 |
- I make very little effort.
- My assignments are poorly done, but readable. Often incomplete.
- My assignments are almost always late.
Score 0.5 |
- I make very little or no effort.
- My assignments are unreadable & mostly incomplete.
- My assignments are almost always late.
Score 0.0 |
- My assignments are not turned in.
Scoring Rubric: Contribution
Students will offer ideas and asks questions in class which makes the contents clear for others and demonstrates good group work.
Score 4.0 |
- I consistently offer ideas and ask questions that clarify and extend discussions for all.
- I demonstrate superior leadership qualities.
- I have excellent group work skills.
Score 3.5 |
- I offer ideas and ask questions in class which help to clarify discussions for all.
- I have very good group work skills.
Score 3.0 |
- I offer ideas and ask questions on occasion which help to clarify discussion for myself.
- I have good group work skills.
Score 2.5 |
- I ask questions in class and offer ideas.
- I participate in group work and demonstrate some group work skills.
Score 2.0 |
- I ask questions in class and sometimes offer ideas.
- I participate in group work.
Score 1.5 |
- I sometimes ask questions.
- I sometimes contribute to group work.
Score 1.0 |
- I rarely ask questions or offer ideas in class.
- I seldom contribute to group work.
Score 0.5 |
- I sometimes impede the learning of others.
- My questions/comments sometimes distract from learning.
- I occasionally disrupt group work.
Score 0.0 |
- I impede the learning of others.
- My questions/comments often distract from learning.
- I often disrupt group work.
Scoring Rubric: Attentiveness
Students will be consistently on task and focused. They listen to others and provide input.
Score 4.0 |
- I am consistently on task and very focused.
- I listen when others talk and will often incorporate/build on ideas of others and offer additional input.
- I listen in order to understanding and determine relevance.
Score 3.5 |
- I am always on task and focused.
- I listen when others talk and will offer additional input and occasionally incorporate/build on ideas of others.
- I listen for understanding and attempt to determine relevance
Score 3.0 |
- I am mostly on task and focused.
- I listen when others talk and will offer additional input.
- I listen for understanding.
Score 2.5 |
- I am mostly on task and focused.
- I listen when others talk and will occasionally offer additional input.
- I listen to remember.
Score 2.0 |
- I am regularly on task and generally focused.
- I listen when others talk and will on occasion have something to add.
- I listen to remember.
Score 1.5 |
- I am sometimes not on task or focused.
- I listen when others talk and will ask questions, but will only occasionally have something to add.
- I listen to remember.
Score 1.0 |
- I am often not on task and inconsistently focused.
- I listen when others talk, but will seldom have something to add.
- I listen to remember.
Score 0.5 |
- I am often not on task and inconsistently focused.
- I only sometimes listen when others talk, but never have something to add.
Score 0.0 |
- I am never on task and have very little focus.
- I do not listen when others talk and will interrupt when others speak.
Scoring Rubric: Attitude
Students will show respect for others and the teacher and ask questions in a respectful way.
Score 4.0 |
- I consistently show respect for my peers and teacher.
- I always comment on ideas and ask questions in a respectful way.
Score 3.5 |
- I show respect for my peers and teacher.
- My comments on ideas and questions are almost always made in a respectful way.
Score 3.0 |
- I show respect for my peers and teacher most of the time.
- I often comment on ideas and ask questions in a respectful way.
Score 2.5 |
- I generally show respect for my peers and teacher.
- My comments on ideas and questions are mostly made in a respectful way.
Score 2.0 |
- I generally show respect for my peers and teacher.
- My comments on ideas and questions sometimes do not demonstrate the respect intended.
Score 1.5 |
- I show inconsistent respect for my peers and teacher.
- My comments on ideas and questions are sometimes intended to be misleading and show disrespect.
Score 1.0 |
- I only sometimes show respect for my peers and teacher.
- I occasionally ask misleading questions and make inappropriate comments in a disrespectful manner.
Score 0.5 |
- I am often disrespectful to peers and teacher.
- I make attention-seeking comments and/or ask misleading questions.
Score 0.0 |
- I am generally disrespectful to peers and teacher.
- I often makes inappropriate comments or questions only to only to attract attention to myself