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EDU 742 - Session 7

The instructor reserves the right to revise or alter course content as needed. All required readings will be available online, and/or as handouts. You may notice, however, that several readings appear repeatedly on the "suggested reading" list.

Discovery Question: What is Technology Integration?

It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have
education without common sense
- Robert Ingersoll

A Book Review Project

  • Presentations?

B Technology Integration: What are the key next steps?

  • What are some of the changes that you foresee coming to your classroom or site next year?
  • What are some of the changes that you foresee having to be made by you next year in regards to the integration of new technologies?
  • Class discussion

C Tools and Models for technology integration

  • Pedagogy and Technology Integration

    • What is Pedagogy?

      • Pedagogy refers to the theories and methods used in teaching, while andragogy was coined to focus on the practices used to teach adults.

    • Reading: The Pedagogy of Technology Integration

  • Bloom's Taxonomy

  • Using the ADDIE Model - an Instructional System Design (ISD)

  • The SAMR Model

  • Defining the Five Prevailing Pedagogies

    • Behaviorism
    • Cognitivism
    • Constructivism
    • Pragmatism
    • Multiple Intelligences

    Use the presentation above and your own on-line research to determine which pedagogy or pedagogies you most identify with. Create a brief description/definition of those that you most identify with on your Weebly. Be prepared to share and discuss at our next session.


  1. Session 7 Reflection Reflect on which pedagogy or pedagogies you most identify with , create a brief description/definition of those that you most identify and post your response on your Weebly and respond to at least one other person.

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