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EDU 742 - Session 6

The instructor reserves the right to revise or alter course content as needed. All required readings will be available online, and/or as handouts. You may notice, however, that several readings appear repeatedly on the "suggested reading" list.

Discovery Question: What is a Screencast and Why Would I Use One?

A Field Trip Discussions

  • Benicia Mini Maker Faire

  • Northern California CUE Conference

B Book Review Project

  • Presentations of Book Reviews

C What is a Screencast and Why Would I Use One?

  • For our last session you were to use the Screencast app that you selected during session 3 to create a tutorial that can be used by your students or fellow teacher(s) to teach them how to access and use a Google site or app. Select a site or app that you already use and create a Screencast your students could use at school or at home, or that other teachers can use to help to them learn how to use the site or app with their students. You were to be prepared to share your Screencast at this session.

HOMEWORK: It is expected that you will spend at least 1-2 hours ONLINE between face-to-face classes. If you pace yourself, this amounts to only 10 to 15 minutes per day! You will need to set aside 5-7 hours of time during the weeks we are not meeting face-to-face to complete your workload - this is about 45 minutes per day. There are also normal course homework expectations.

Exercise 1 Write a reflection on one or two of the Screencasts presented here tonight. Comment on what you liked about the presentation and what could possibly be done to make the presentation better. Post your response to your Weebly. Respond to at least one other student.

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